Sustainable Development Youth Convention 2023

Dear Delegates, Teachers and Honourable Guests of the Sustainable Development Youth Convention,

On behalf of the organising team of the Sustainable Development Youth Convention (SDYC), it is our pleasure to invite and welcome you to the 14th iteration of SDYC. Proudly hosted by NUS High, the conference celebrates the second year of its return to the in-person format since 2020. This year, SDYC will be held over three days, from the 18th to the 20th of August,

Since its conception, SDYC has, above all else, sought to facilitate and spearhead discussions on sustainability. Over the past decade, there has been an undeniable rise in Model United Nations (MUN) conferences across the island state, fueled by an increasing number of students expressing interest in the world at large. While this is heartwarming, the SDYC organising team is more conscientious than ever of the cornerstone of the conference’s vision. 

Coupled with today’s global problems, the need for sustainability has risen to the forefront of international cooperation and action, and we seek to empower delegates in these times through exposure to the numerous intertwined branches of sustainability. Beyond offering academic rigour and an opportunity for delegates to train their public speaking skills, SDYC also seeks to spur delegates to think critically through the lens of sustainable development, a perspective that we hope they will find useful in their lives past the short frame of the conference. The onus is on the youth to drive change as leaders of our future. 

This year, delegates at SDYC will debate on a large range of topics, from the elimination of child labour and improving conditions for refugee children in the United Nations Children’s Fund, to discussing conflicts surrounding the Great Lakes region in the African Union. Both are highly pertinent issues to improving conditions for individuals in diverse settings, with a strong focus on sustainable development in all sectors. Our intermediate council, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime will discuss the issue of prosecutorial reform and prison rehabilitation, helping individuals better reintegrate into society. Additionally, delegates in the United Nations Security Council will tackle 21st century issues of peacekeeping in Haiti and Arctic Circle Militarisation. The highly anticipated Crisis Council will unravel the growing political tensions in Myanmar’s Spring Revolution. Last but not least, the International Press Gallery (IPG) will be a platform for delegates to hone their creativity, as well as writing and journalistic skills. With 6 councils discussing topics over a large range of issues, we are sure that there will be a council for everyone, whether you are a novice or seasoned delegate in the Model United Nations circuit.

The pandemic highlights the importance of cooperation and collaboration among countries towards reaching a resolution and the building of a brighter future. As we transition into endemic living, SDYC 2023 will be held in-person at our NUS High School campus, promising to bring an even greater debate and fire to council sessions. It would be our honour to have you as our delegate and to be your first step into the world of diplomacy. 

We look forward to seeing you at our Conference.

Yours Sincerely,
The Secretariat
Sustainable Development Youth Convention 2023